
Today the People’s Olive Branch is announcing the addition of the opinion-based commentary podcast, “Lean to the Left”, with Bob Gatty.

As a news platform that prides itself on more information not less, we are bringing in the syndication of Lean to the Left Podcast. The People’s Olive Branch aims to become a multifaceted online news platform with a collective of information, from left leaning commentaries to right leaning commentaries, as well as unbiased investigative journalism.

The People’s Olive Branch is a news platform that will focus on truthfulness based on documented evidence, not just platitudes from both sides of the isle. While our commentaries and journalists will not please everyone, our aim is to provide our readers with a broad range of topics, opinions, and useful information on events in America and around the world.

We aim to do this while being transparent about the positions our investigative journalist, writers, commentaries and syndicated podcasters represent. We will accomplish this by letting our readers know and understand, who and what content is an investigative journalist, podcaster, commentaries, etc. through our category listings.

We hope that our category listing will help prevent any confusion or misunderstanding about what content in our platform represents.

Lean to the Left

Lean to the Left provides liberal political commentary about important developments involving Republicans and Democrats in power and supports efforts to resist those who would subvert democracy and impede freedom of the press. Lean to the Left also present the Lean to the Left podcast and videos, with newsmaker interviews and progressive commentary.

You can also visit Lean to the Left website

Originally launched in early 2017 as Not Fake News, the Lean to the Left blog’s initial mission was in attempt to call out President Donald Trump. The blog site has evolved, both in content and their offerings, as they’ve broadened their commentary regarding important social issues by a team of contributing writers.

In addition, the Lean to the Left podcast presents twice-weekly interviews with fascinating, smart, and insightful guests. Some are newsmakers and experts in their field; others simply have interesting stories to tell. But all offer something from which we can all learn.

Questions, comments or if you want to advertise locally in the People’s Olive Branch, reach out to us at
