Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Angel RamosOffline

    Allegations of CCP-Inspired Social Credit System in U.S. Businesses and Banks

    Allegations have emerged regarding the adoption of a social credit scoring system by prominent U.S. businesses and banks. This system is said to resemble the approach used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in China, aiming to incentivize CCP members and supporters to participate in party-endorsed activities.

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    Sherriffs Endorse Senator Rick Scott for Re-Election

    Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister stepped up to the podium to voice his strong support and appreciation for Senator Scott and the Tampa community. He emphasized the vital importance of law and order in fostering prosperity within the community. Thus, affirming that Senator Scott exemplifies these principles by stating, “Senator, I have to introduce you to our great community, our Tampa community, our Tampa community that understands the prosperity of any community starts and ends with law and order and that’s what you have here today…”

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    The United States and United Kingdom Target Iranian Transnational Assassination Network

    The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the United Kingdom jointly announced on January 29, 2024, a comprehensive and coordinated effort to confront a network responsible for orchestrating transnational acts of repression. This network, led by Iranian narcotics trafficker Naji Ibrahim Sharifi-Zindashti, operated at the behest of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), targeting Iranian dissidents and opposition activists globally.

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    2024 Michigan Poll Results

    The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the United Kingdom jointly announced on January 29, 2024, a comprehensive and coordinated effort to confront a network responsible for orchestrating transnational acts of repression. This network, led by Iranian narcotics trafficker Naji Ibrahim Sharifi-Zindashti, operated at the behest of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), targeting Iranian dissidents and opposition activists globally.

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    Are the CCFJ’s HOA Reform Mission and Goals Compromised?

    The findings by The People's Olive Branch investigative team were brought to the attention of Mr. Jan Bergemann, President, of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc. (CCFJ), who told our investigative reporter in a phone call on February 20th 3:02 p.m. that, “he doesn’t want to get involved in that case and that he doesn’t care what happens there...” He followed it by stating that our team at The People's Olive Branch "is small...that we better watch what we publish." Mr. Jan Burgemann hung up on our investigative reporter shortly thereafter. In an email communication, Mr. Bergemann doubled down by saying “Please don’t bother me with your nonsense!” and denied the statements he had made over the initial phone communication.

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